New software for offshore wind farms presented in Copenhagen

At the Offshore Wind Energy Conference in Copenhagen, Overspeed presented the new Wind & Economy software tool for the optimization of offshore wind farms. In a workshop with over 50 participants, Dr. Waldl, managing director of Overspeed, presented the new product to significantly reduce the cost of offshore wind farms. “Through closely combining models for wind potential with shadowing effects in wind farms and the economic viability of electricity from offshore wind projects, we give the user the ability to place the economic optimisation of wind farms at the forefront right from the start.”, so Dr. Waldl.

Managing Director Hans-Peter (Igor) Waldl presenting the Wind&Economy Software at EWEA 2015
Managing Director Hans-Peter (Igor) Waldl presenting the Wind & Economy Software at EWEA 2015 in Copenhagen

The Wind & Economy software is a spin-off of the EU funded R&D project DTOC (Design Tool for offshore Wind Farm Cluster) under the guidance of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU, in Risø. The consortium consists of 22 members from 10 EU countries.
